Productive College Visits
Find out what high school students are saying about applying to college:
Before College
- View College Visits for more on what the Independent Educational Consultants Association suggest you do.
- Download the IECA’s Top 10 Tips!
- Download a Checklist of College Gateways Suggestions.
Bulletin Boards
As you are touring college campuses in the coming months, don’t forget to check out the bulletin boards which tell you a lot about what is going on at that particular campus. Also, you can go online and find out what are the main campus issues and activities by reading campus newspapers online.
What are colleges looking for? What courses should you be taking? What college will be right for you? College Gateways offers a range of services to support you through the college admissions and application process. Call me, text me, or email me for more information.
Now is the time for you to be thinking about your college list, plan for college visits, create a resume, and schedule your standardized tests. I will be happy to help you develop strategies to find the best possible college for you! We should set up a meeting soon.